Kids Create: Lincoln Street Boys & Girls Club
Location: Community Gallery
Exhibition Dates: August 26, 2024 - March 7, 2025
Lead Curator: Sarah Hatcher, Learning & Community Engagement Manager
While our original exploration started with what is identity, our young artists ultimately made their creations an answer to the question “What can I, or do I, want to show the world about me?” Many artists included allusions to their favorite things like video games or rainbows, while others dug into treasured activities like showing animals at the fair.
To help students think about how artists express their identities or create new ones, they received a Graffiti 101 lesson with local artist Mike Burchfield. Also known as “Brisk,” Burchfield is a noted local artist and he generously shared his knowledge and experiences through a demonstration that had him showing different styles of lettering.
Back in the club students engaged in a series of sketches to hone their design before beginning work on their final projects.
Thank you to the participants, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Bloomington, and Paige Thomas, the Creative Arts Program Coordinator at the Lincoln Street Club for their hard work and contributions to this project.