Note: Please know that we have a moratorium on collecting new objects until 2027. We have recently reopened our doors to the public and are working through a backlog of donations that occurred while we were renovating our building.
If you are interested in donating material culture to IUMAA you have come to the right place!
The IU Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology acquires material culture in many ways from purchases to donations. While we appreciate the personal value placed on items, we must give special consideration to such gifts before we can accept them to ensure they meet our collection goals and rationale.
To have your personal item(s) considered for donation please complete the form linked below:
Material Culture Donation Inquiry
IU Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology does not accept unsolicited donations either by mail or delivered in person. Unsolicited donations may be disposed of, returned, or retained at the sole discretion of the IU Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.