Land & Maker Acknowledgments

1962-08-1176. Sioux woman picking porcupine quills. (1908) Joseph K. Dixon. Wanamaker Collection.
1965-42-C088. Pakistan potter. (1964) Madge Minton Collection
1984-06-0430. Woman tanning Caribou. Stevens Village, Alaska. (1916) Bedell/Davis Collection

Additional Resources

Offering a land acknowledgment serves as a call to action for everyone at Indiana University.

— Indigenize Indiana webpage

IU First Nations Education & Cultural Center

The First Nations Educational & Cultural Center (FNECC) supports American Indian and indigenous students in their transition to and achievement at Indiana University Bloomington with campus programs and an extended network of resources and information designed to inspire, encourage, and empower students for success.

FNECC information on Land Acknowledgments

Indigenize Indiana! is a call to action that reminds the non-Native community of the ways they need to work to improve representation of and support for Native and Indigenous communities at IU Bloomington. 

It is crucial to recognize that land acknowledgements should be more than ticking a box. It is a moment for education, reflection, and should lead to meaningful commitment.